Babylon Cloud SPA

Babylon Stream

Create and customize your video streaming platform.

With the Babylon Stream platform you can focus exclusively on your content: you have a “turn-key” product that is totally customizable with your company logo and colors. Manage your videos easily and intuitively.


Imagine your video content: from sports to concerts, from films to live events. You have unlimited space in which to collect all your ideas and turn them into reality.


Create your platform the way you want it. Spread your content to thousands of users and surprise them with incredible quality and unprecedented reliability.


Stream your videos to all your users' devices with extreme ease, relying on technology that supports your ideas by offering an unprecedented experience.

Monetize your videos

The platform was designed to play videos on demand and network streaming, including many channels, allowing you to differentiate your content without scalability limits. You could monetize your video content by creating subscriptions, marketing even a single event, or managing advertising.

You will remain the owner of the videos and will decide what will be the best way to monetize them.

Why choose Babylon Stream

No investment

Bring your project to life without any initial investment with an "end-to-end" solution, from infrastructure to interfaces.

Video monetization

Choose the «revenue» model that best suits you: subscription, advertising and «pay-per-view» are the systems designed for your business.

Without limits

Upload all your content without worrying about any space limits thanks to unlimited uploads and the multi-channel platform.

Maximum quality

The infrastructure has been designed to offer the highest reliability while ensuring the highest playback quality.

Best CDN and video service accessible anywhere

Our platform uses one of the best Content Delivery Network (CDN) services in the world. Thanks to the “edge-server” network spread throughout the world, you will be able to guarantee your users the best video playback service on the market.

Your videos will be viewable anywhere in the world with playback quality standards of the same level as those of OTT operators.


The Babylon Stream video service allows you to organize, manage and monetize your video content, whether on demand or live streaming, within a fully customizable service.

The Babylon Stream video service is sold as a turnkey «White-Label» service, so it is highly customizable. From the logo to the title, subtitle, description, metadata and tags of the individual videos and individual folders.

The platform allows you to monetize videos through the marketing of individual video contents, subscriptions and advertising.

The platform allows you to organize and navigate subfolders as easily as your operating system. Furthermore, the service allows you to insert highlighted videos and enrich video folders with additional information such as titles, descriptions, tags and metadata.